The Humor in Breastfeeding: Funny Facts about Breastfeeding

Sometimes you just have to laugh about motherhood.  Along with some challenging moments, it’s full of laugh-out-laugh blunders that even the best comedy writers couldn’t have penned.  Breastfeeding is no exception – it comes with its own set of hilarious circumstances.  Today we’re sharing some of our favorite funny facts about breastfeeding.

Where’s That Breast?

Babies are born to breastfeed and they know how to find that milk.  While they can discern their own mother’s breast milk scent, when a baby is hungry, she will likely turn towards any nipple she can find.  Watching a baby prepare to feed on your husband or grandmother is a pretty funny sight indeed.

Drunken Sailor

A well-fed baby may look a lot like a sailor leaving a bar:  drunk.  In this case, milk drunk. Babies sometimes get bleary-eyed, giggly or completely fall asleep as their tummies fill up with the good stuff, breast milk.  Be sure to get some video of your stumbling milk drunk baby to keep for posterity.

Accidental Squirting

Full breasts are meant to release whether your baby is attached or not.  This may have happened to you:  your baby latches just long enough to trigger your let down but then becomes distracted and detaches from your breast.  But the milk flow is a comin’ and anyone in the way better watch out.  You probably ended up squirting your baby, yourself or anyone else in the room with your steady stream of breast milk.

407blacklace_7Is That a Nursing Bra?

Now that your partner is sharing your breasts with your baby, he may get a little jealous.  You can satisfy both of them with a super-sexy nursing bra.  No one ever said motherhood has to be matronly.  When you wear a lacy nursing bra, your partner will be thrilled believing you bought new lingerie for him and your baby will be pleased at easy access to breast milk.  With the right nursing bra, you’ll be ready for let downs without “letting down” your partner.

Milking Time

If you’ve ever used a breast pump, you now know how cows feel.  As amazing and useful as breast pumps are, you can’t avoid feeling like a cow being milked.  Between the droning beat of the pump and the rhythmic tug at your breasts you can sit back and have a little chuckle at what you and cows now have in common.

Little Piggy

Hungry babies make the darnest noises when it’s feeding time.  You may hear snorts, snuffs, gurgles and hums as your baby suckles your milk.  And the burps may rival belches of burly men.  All of these are signs of a well-fed little tot.

Got Milk?

It’s a classic joke but it’s the truth.  If you run out of milk for your coffee while you’re breastfeeding, you’ll always have some available.  If it’s good enough for your baby, it’s a superfood that good enough for you too.

Breast Words

Perhaps you have names for your breasts but chances are your baby does too.  When your little one starts to formulate words, names for your breasts or for breastfeeding may emerge first.  After all, food is a basic need.  Infants and toddlers come up with some hysterical names for breasts like nummies, tatas and boobies.  And milk may be mimi, booby juice or something equally as entertaining.

With all of the seriously stressful parts of navigating motherhood, take time out to giggle at the truly hysterical moments too.  We bet you’ve experienced some of these funny facts about breastfeeding a time or too and we think they’re worth a big ole laugh.


The post The Humor in Breastfeeding: Funny Facts about Breastfeeding appeared first on Leading Lady.

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