The Most Comfortable Bra in American: Guest Spotlight #4


Sarah from Minnesota Mama’s Must Haves loves Leading Lady’s Most Comfortable Bra in America for leisure, sleep & nursing.

“This is the bra that I’ve been sleeping in and lounging around the house in. It is really comfortable and I like how easy the front closure makes it to put on. It holds my nursing pads in place all night long and provides easy access nursing by unclipping the bra and moving it aside. It comes in 5 different colors and is now my go to nighttime bra.”

Read Sarah’s full review here.

Sarah, the Mama behind Minnesota Mama’s Must Haves, lives in Minnesota with her husband and their three young children. She loves blogging, cooking, baking, crafting, sewing, and much more! She is a Registered Nurse currently staying home with her three children while her husband works full time. She loves sharing her journey as she is “trying to do it all while showing you how”!   Follow Sarah on Twitter and Facebook.

The post The Most Comfortable Bra in American: Guest Spotlight #4 appeared first on Leading Lady.

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