When is the best time to pump if I’m planning on pumping and breastfeeding? Also when is the best time to pump after delivery?
Pumping is a great way for you to involve your partner in breastfeeding and get a break every now-and-then. If you are plan to pump in order to freeze milk, my suggestion is to pump small quantities at a time. You can begin pumping as early as your baby’s second week. You may want to pump in the morning because your milk supply is highest early in the day. Getting in the habit of pumping early also frees up the rest of your day for all of your little one’s needs.
Here’s a trick: I recommend that you pump about an ounce off the opposite breast while your baby is nursing. If you pump while your baby is latching, you can take advantage of the letdown. This also saves time and you will quickly collect the milk you need to store. Refrigerate the expressed milk and add additional pumped milk until you have 3 or 4 ounces that you can freeze. By the end of the week you will have several feedings frozen.
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