Breastfeeding Success Story: Gaby from Lyon County, KS WIC
“Before I even decided to have kids I was determined to breastfeed. Everyone in my family was breastfed, no one ever had formula, and I wanted to do the same with my kids.
When Kal was born I was sad because my milk wasn’t coming through and it was very hard for me because he wasn’t latching on. They had told me that it was maybe because he was a preemie that it was going to take time. Kal had jaundice and I knew breastmilk was the best he could have.
My milk finally came through when he was 4 days old. I was so excited but he still wouldn’t latch on. So I had to pump but it was frustrating because all I had was the manual pump and it was too much work for me but still tried putting him on to see if he would latch on.
Finally I decided to get some help because I didn’t know how to express all that milk I had. That’s when WIC let me use one of their pumps and my pumping sessions were easier. But still I felt I wasn’t producing enough for him. I asked (my WIC lactation consultant) Bevin for some advice on what I could do to increase production and she was helpful enough.
I had struggles pumping at work since they gave me a hard time and still kind of are but not as much as before. I was afraid I was going to dry out.
But eventually when Kal turned 3 months, I got home tired and didn’t have the energy to pump and wash the bottles so I decided to put him on again and he finally LATCHED on! I was so excited tears came out and his Dad was like aww it’s ok..
Since then my life has been easier. My baby finally latched on and he’s a little over 6 months and still breastfeeding. I feel like I have accomplished a lot. Thanks a lot to Bevin for being there and of course my mom who encouraged me too.”
Gaby from Lyon County, KS WIC’s “Treasure Chest”
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