Extended Breastfeeding: Is breastfeeding toddlers possible during pregnancy and while nursing newborns?
Yes, I encourage extended breastfeeding! In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding through the second year of life. Breastfeeding toddlers during pregnancy and while breastfeeding newborns is absolutely possible. Your body will adjust to the demand of feeding both children. Be sure to eat additional calories to replenish and energize your body from the extra effort you’re exerting by producing extra milk. And, make sure to drink lots of water!
Breastfeeding toddlers are only nursing occasionally throughout the day and do not rely solely on breast milk. They are getting the bulk of their nutrients from regular foods. If you are worried that your newborn will not get all of the milk that she needs, I recommend always feeding the baby first. She needs the nutrients and calories the most.
Extended breastfeeding offers many benefits to you, your toddler and your newborn. If you experience trouble and are not ready to wean, seek advice from a lactation consultant. Don’t let small hiccups stand in your way of nurturing your baby and your toddler in the way you’ve determined is best for your family.
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