What’s In a Name – Naming Your Baby
Just like a belly button, everyone has an opinion on baby names. As you prepare to welcome your little bundle, here are a few tips for selecting a name that works best for you.
1) LOVE the name. You, and more importantly your child, have to live with the name forever. So make it a name that you are passionate about and will not regret years down the road.
2) Research the meaning of the name in a variety of cultures and consider if it is a value befitting your child.
3) Be creative, but don’t torture your child.
4) Consider the initials as much as full name itself.
5) Family names can be a meaningful way to honor someone you admire or someone who has passed away. If your family’s tradition is to carry on a name from generation to generation but you still want your child to feel special, use a nickname or select a middle name that is more unique.
6) Be true to your style. If you are a free spirit, don’t select a stiff name because it is trendy. If you are into formalities, don’t use an unusual spelling just to be different.
7) Consider people you know with the name, including celebrities. As much as you may love or hate someone famous with a name you like, your child may be haunted by that other person forever.
8) Make sure you like the sound of the name as much as you like the spelling. Practice introducing your child on the first day of school, or pretend you are calling him or her down for dinner.
9) Respect your partner’s feelings about a name. You have your own opinions and so will your partner.
10) Don’t rush into anything. You have until you sign the birth certificate to select a name. If you want to wait to meet your little one, that is perfectly fine.
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