New Year’s Resolutions for Women – Part 1

It’s that time of year again…that time when we’re all reflecting on the year gone by and making New Year’s resolutions for the year to come. Being introspective comes naturally for some and is difficult for others but it’s important for all. Making changes for self-improvement is essential to getting the most out of life. This week we’re sharing New Year’s resolutions for women to help inspire your goals for 2017.

New Year’s Resolutions for Women – Part 1

Nutrition, Fitness & Health

Our first category is one that most of us already include on our New Year’s resolutions for women. Vowing to become healthier by eating better and exercising is too broad and easily broken just a few weeks into the New Year. We have specific suggestions that will help you achieve your nutrition, fitness and health goals:

  • Schedule routine check-ups and follow your doctor’s advice. Discovering a health issue is only half the battle. Work with your doctor to resolve any problems right away.
  • Eat whole foods rather than processed foods. It’s easier to grab packaged snacks on-the-go but aim for whole foods instead such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and light dairy products.
  • Ensure you’re getting enough calcium. While it’s true that calcium storage stops in your 20s, you still need around three servings a day to keep your bones strong. It is estimated that 50% of women over 50 will have some form of osteoporosis.
  • Enjoy food and indulge occasionally but do eat in moderation. Work to find balance between temptations and deprivation. Cutting out complete food groups – such as carbohydrates – is usually not sustainable and often unhealthy.
  • Learn a new recipe every month to add to your repertoire. This will keep things interesting in your kitchen and introduce new favorites to meal times.
  • Eat healthy fats every day. Essential fats that come from fish like salmon, nuts like walnuts, or fruits and veggies like avocados are good for every aspect of your body.
  • Challenge your view of exercise by trying new workouts and incorporating more activity into your day. Make a list of workouts you want to try and mark them off throughout the year. Also use your time wisely by moving more when you have a few free moments. Every little bit counts!

Mental & Emotional Wellbeing

You may or may not be at a point in your life when you can put your own needs ahead of others but you can still be good to yourself. Self-care and being kind to yourself support your mental and emotional wellbeing. Work on these goals in the New Year:

  • Complement yourself every day on something you’ve done well. The way you talk to yourself carries through to how you feel about yourself, how you display confidence and how you treat others.
  • Adopt body positivity and stop caring so much about how you look or others’ ideals of beauty. Let your inner beauty shine through and love the body you have.
  • Manage your stress before it becomes overwhelming and all-consuming. Find methods of stress-relief and relaxation that work for your lifestyle and interests. Stress factors into many health conditions so nip it to avoid long-term ramifications.
  • Continue to read and learn all the time. You may be an adult but you don’t know it all. Pick up something new to read that wouldn’t normally be on your tablet or take a class to learn a new skill and broaden your horizons in exciting ways.
  • Improve your attitude. Studies show being a more positive and grateful person has benefits for your health. Plus, people will like you more and you’ll feel better about yourself too. This includes comments you make online as well.

Later this week we’ll share part 2 of our series on New Year’s resolutions for women. Stick around and join us on Facebook to share your resolutions for 2017.

Sources: Bustle, WebMD and Care2

The post New Year’s Resolutions for Women – Part 1 appeared first on Leading Lady.

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