Breastfeeding and Exercise
Most nursing moms who are trying to get back in shape after having a baby have probably heard the myth that you should not exercise while breastfeeding. But that myth is, well, simply a myth. Exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle, including that of a nursing mom.
Many moms fear that lactic acid can build up in the body after exercise and infiltrate the milk supply, which would then be harmful to the baby and cause the milk to taste bad. No recent studies have come to this conclusion and previous ones were discredited due to inconsistent variables. The truth is that it would take working out above your aerobic threshold – that’s at an extremely high level of intensity – to cause lactic acid to build in your system. And even then it may affect the taste of the milk but not cause harm to your baby.
Milk supply and discomfort are the other two big concerns for nursing moms who want to workout. If you remain hydrated, nourished and in good health, your milk supply should not be affected by exercise. As far as comfort is concerned, many moms try to nurse or pump immediately before high-impact workouts so their breasts will not be feel as heavy when they are moving around.
You should also ensure your breasts are fully supported with a properly fitting bra that both encapsulates and compresses your breasts to reduce bounce. Be sure to select a bra that is appropriate for your choice of activity. Nursing active-wear like Leading Lady’s low-impact Sport Wirefree Nursing Bra or Sport Nursing Bra with Padded Straps may be most convenient for breastfeeding before or after your workout.
If you’re a nursing mom looking to get back into your exercise routine, all active-wear is 25% off January 24-31. Use the code MOVEIT at checkout and happy exercising!
*Consult your physician before beginning any new exercise regimen and if you experience pain, trouble breathing or any other physical ailment.
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